Since 2019, TREEage has focused on educating high school and college students on the magnitude of the climate crisis, legacies of environmental injustice, and our vision for an equitable future; training the next generation of climate activists to lead their schools and neighborhoods and build winning campaigns; and championing Green New Deal legislation and mobilizing young people to make it a reality.
Our policy agenda has been developed by young people in TREEage, in partnership with community organizations and leaders. We are committed to transforming our values and organizing energy into tangible, transformative action to halt the climate crisis with an equitable Green New Deal, and we have dedicated resources to policy development and won a seat at the table in developing bold policy agendas.

We believe in creating “An Equitable Recovery for New York City: Creating 100,000 Climate Jobs For Frontline Communities Of Color.” Together with ALIGN’s Climate Works For All Coalition, TREEage representatives worked with other environmental justice organizations, labor unions, community- and faith-based organizations, and unions to develop a vision for a green, just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We believe in a comprehensive “Green New Deal for New York City” agenda. With Council Member Tiffany Cabán and a coalition of climate organizations, we developed a 24-page white paper centering climate reparations, creating green union jobs, and detailing proposals for Green New Deal projects in Council District 22 and citywide.